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  About Me 

When I was 18, I spent the summer selling books door-to-door in New England, one of the most interpersonally challenging parts of the country. 


While I was going door to door, I thought about quitting approximately 5,000 times. (And that’s a lowball estimate.) But despite the cold showers, rainy days, mental and physical fatigue, and countless doors slammed in my face, I kept going to become one of the top salespeople in the company that summer. I’m that person. Once I say I’ll do something, it will happen – and I'll do it well.


Most recently, I put that perseverance to work as the Executive Producer of the One Motorcycle Show's AFT National at Castle Rock. I didn’t have to sell books door to door…but I did have to sell change to some of the people who resist it the most.

I’m well-versed in operations, strategy, digital marketing,  community development,  project management, fundraising and events.

If you’re interested in grabbing coffee and talking shop (or to hear how many people in wealthy New England neighborhoods don't actually have furniture inside their house), please send an email my way.

My Personal Equity Statement:

I know that non-dominant groups disproportionately lack resources and opportunities due to institutions and systems of oppression. I understand equity as a state in which I recognize these disparities and persistently address them by centering the needs, strengths and perspectives of those that have been historically marginalized. 


I believe in incorporating a strong, intersectional approach in the work I do. This means highlighting race, age, ability, gender, class, sexuality and other markers of privilege when making decisions and engaging with stakeholders and the issues that affect them, as a way to begin dismantling existing power structures. 


I acknowledge that I have been complicit in upholding systemic racism and other forms of oppression. I am working diligently to create an environment of equity and diversity in all that I do, but acknowledge that I always need to do more. I am committed to the challenging and imperfect process of continuous learning and unlearning, in order to create a more just and equitable future for all. 

I work to be an accomplice for marginalized voices, not just an ally. 


  Things I Do In My Free Time 

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